Praise be to the Lord of the worlds and prayer and peace be upon the missionaries, our prophet Muhammad, and upon his God and his companions.
We are fully aware that with science civilizations flourish, nations advance and generations are raised. A nation that is interested in educating and raising its children is a living nation that is walking in the peace of progress and progress. Hence, efforts must be made to advance generations towards science, its goal, its mission and the human industry.
To that end, steps have been taken with hope - to launch the University of Shabwa ". This dream, realized by God's grace after years of earnestness and hard work, constitutes a paradigm shift in university education.
Sensing this important meaning and keeping pace with the accelerating global changes of technology as a whole, she founded the Faculty of Computer and Information Technology, which grants a bachelor's degree in the following disciplines:
1. Computer Science
2. IT
In order to achieve the development and transfer of science in all spheres of life and to meet the labour market imposed by the requirements of the times. As we open the doors to our sons and daughters, we cannot but welcome them and enlist them in educational attainment, grandfather and perseverance to work according to the possibilities available to overcome the difficulties and obstacles that may impede their scientific progress.
In conclusion, we wish you continued success, success and scientific excellence.
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
Dr. Salem Saleh Saeed Alsheyuhi
Dean of the Faculty of Computer and Information Technology